MadFace is a clothing brand that looks to bring you a good quality streetwear brand from the UK as we feel like the current streetwear market is dominated by the US and is missing a presence from the UK.
MadFace Clothes is looking to deliver a edgy aesthetic to its products whilst trying to keep its prices affordable in order to allow people of all economic backgrounds to afford the brand.
The brand is currently ran and maintained by only 2 individuals with our graphics artist being a close friend to us, we strive to keep the clothing we produce to a high quality. As such every purchase gets a quality assured guarantee.
Each purchase you make gets us closer to our goal of making this a household streetwear brand.
So thank you to anyone who decides to support us!
Make sure to follow us on social media
Any questions about the brand please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or send us a DM through your social media of choice, thanks for reading.